
So, I don’t want to jinx anything but I have been following the Atkins diet which is basically LOW carb and HIGH FAT. I like the idea of it because it has science behind it which I love to know because it makes me understand it more and BELIEVE It more. I have been doing it for 3 days now and went from 149 to 146. So 1 pound a day makes a 3 lb LOSS!!! yay, love to see the loss again. On the down side, it makes me so frustrated that 4 months ago I was TEN POUNDS lighter at 136 and even then I was ONLY 16 lb away from my goal weight. NOW I have set myself back 26 POUNDS! however, I am here and this is reality so I just have to accept it.

I have to remember, it took me 4 months of NOT exercising and eating fast food everyday to get THIS FAT, it’s gonna take me at LEAST 4 months or MORE to lose it all. I can do it.. I can do it… I CAN!!!!!


CW 146

GW 120

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